Pro Team - Allan Liddle

Allan Liddle

Allan Liddle


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Black & Pearl Snatcher

Simple Black and Pearl Snatcher. Allan Liddle loves this pattern, and it has served him well from it's birthplace of the one and only Loch Leven ("The Loch") through all manner of lochs and stillwaters for both wild and stocked trout alike.

Allan's Game Spider

"Recently I was driving home and got a call from a good friend of mine, which was about flies we'd been gifted from other fishing buddies over the years. One of these is a pattern of flies from Henry Lockhart called the "Game Spider," which he tied in olive, Hare's Lug and black. These were (and still are) deadly. A simple spider based fly I've caught with either fished slowly sub-surface (swing in the wind a good way to present these), or "ginked" up as a dry.