
Semperfli Scottish Roadshow

We had a fantastic time at our Scottish roadshow which we held over the weekend at the Geilsland Estate in Beith!

See our highlights video here Semperfli Scottish Roadshow

Fly Tying Demonstrations 

We were joined by 13 talented tyers who did a sterling job showcasing their talents during the event and were on hand when visitors wanted their questions answered! 


Interactive Displays 

We were lucky to have some representatives from some fantastic organisations, The Wild Trout Trust, UCAPA, WildFish and The Clyde River Foundation. They brought along some fantastic displays including some live fish and bugs to show how their work in protecting the habitat in the river Clyde is working! 



Access To a Huge Range Of Fly Tying Materials From Semperfli & Yellowbelly Fly Tying


Next Stop?

Did you miss out on joining us in Scotland? Don't worry! Our next roadshow is already lined up. Join us on 1st February at the Mobberley Victory Hall Nr Knutsford for more Semperfli roadshow fun. Click here to register for your free ticket!