Foam Beetle Bodies Large 17mm (Hooks #8/#10)
Fully detailed beetle bodies ready to tie with our Tie In Tags to secure and provide additional floation. With our defined 'elytra' and pronotum engraved into the foam these look like realistic beetles. Simply cut the beetle from the sheet, tie in to the hook shank using open turns to provide additional flotation to the fly and then wrap in the body material of choice.... we love using Semperfli Synthetic Peacock Herl which is resiliant and stunning looking to create a deadly fly. With its 3.5mm thick floam this can support flies and act as both a fly in its own right and an indicator! Semperfli beetle bodies are made from high flotation, nitrogen filled foam, with high floattion it makes it ideal for dry fly fishing.
Each of these bodies is designed so that they will fit into competition fly size limits and act as a multi purpose fly and indicator!
With 10 beetles per sheet these are easy to tie and stunning value also.